
Mitele mujeres y hombres y viceversa
Mitele mujeres y hombres y viceversa

Macbeth eventually usurps his wife’s role as supreme possessor of cruel ambition by play’s end. The corrupting force of unchecked ambitiontakes control of Macbeth as demonstrated by his murderous progression: (1) The kernel of ambition is placed in Macbeth by the Weird Sisters in Act I (2) Macbeth hesitates killing the king, only does so with his wife’s urging, and immediately regrets his treachery (3) He fears Banquo and Fleance and orders their murder (3) He orders the ruthless murder of Macduff’s family to assert his power.

mitele mujeres y hombres y viceversa

Macduff also betrays his own family by fleeing Scotland and leaving his family vulnerable to attack. The play begins with the betrayal of Scotland by Norway and the thane of Cawdor. She also betrays herself as she sleepwalks in act V. Lady Macbeth, in addition to her betrayal of hospitality, betrays the feminine nature to spur her and her husband to commit murder. Macbeth is not the only one guilty of betrayal in Macbeth. (5) Macbeth betrays his own nature through the butchery of Macduff’s family (5) Macbeth betrays Duncan by killing one who has shown kindness toward him and granted him titles and riches. (4) Macbeth betrays Scotland by killing a worthy king and usurping the throne (3) Macbeth betrays Banquo, to whom he is connected by battle and by knowledge of the witches' prognostications (2) Macbeth’s breaking of the king-subject covenant to which he is bound (1) Macbeth and Lady Macbeth’s disregard for the laws of hospitality (murdering your guest automatically diqualifies you from host of the year nominations in Shakespeare’s time) Betrayal, however, goes beyond Macbeth’s gruesome murder of the the king.

mitele mujeres y hombres y viceversa

The obvious theme of Macbeth is betrayal.

Mitele mujeres y hombres y viceversa